Corporate Governance



Pursuant to F-Secure’s Articles of Association, F-Secure will have one auditor, which shall be an auditing firm as referred to in the Finnish Auditing Act. The auditor of the company is elected annually by the Annual General Meeting and the auditor’s term shall expire at the end of the next Annual General Meeting following the appointment.

The auditor selected by F-Secure’s Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2024 is the Authorized Public Accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy with Samuli Perälä, APA, as the auditor with the principal responsibility. The same audit firm was elected to audit the sustainability report from the financial year 2024.

The Auditor will be remunerated in accordance with the invoice approved by the company and the same applies to the auditor’s fees relating to the audit of the Company’s sustainability report from the financial year 2024.